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Executive Roundtable Discussions

Our next Roundtable is March 4: 
Better Together:
Marketing + Development = Audience Growth

Can't Make it?
Get on the priority invite list for tailored invitations to future Discussions, plus actionable marketing & ticketing resources

🎁 Discussions are valued at $150,
but your seat at the table is on us.


"My favorite professional development activity of the year." — Ticketing Manager, Opera Company

These are "fascinating," and the "knowledge-sharing opportunities are very valuable."
— Ticketing Manager, Symphony

"That's the most innovative use of AI I've heard about. I'm going to try that right now." — Marketing Director, Ballet Company

Audience Watching a Singer.png

 Share. Learn. Network.
Be Awesome. 

Executive Roundtable Discussions are not another boring webinar. 

They're interactive, pitch-free conversations on Zoom that help you network, become better at your job, and grow your audience.

Past topics include:

  • Creating unmissable emails

  • Getting new audiences to love you (without offering a discount)

  • Planning ticket-selling season announcements

  • Managing up to your senior leadership creating unmissable emails.

See the schedule here.

Curious? Get notes and related resources from past Discussions.​​

Four Things to Know About Roundtable Discussions

What's an Executive Roundtable Discussion?

Our pitch-free Executive Roundtable Discussions give you the opportunity to connect and learn with other smart arts leaders like you around arts marketing, leadership, and more.

How much is it?

Discussions are valued at $150, but your seat at the table is on us. There is no cost to attend a future Discussion at this time.

Are you going to pressure me into other services?

We'd love to see if working together is a good fit, but Discussions are pitch-free — we don't like putting people under pressure to work with us. You can expect the Discussion to be fun and productive. Sometimes, we feature an educational presentation or interactive exercise to help get the conversation going.

How many times are you going to email me? My inbox is crazy busy

Our inbox is crazy too. We only send 1-2 emails with valuable marketing and audience development information and resources. You can opt-out at any time. If we think a Discussion is especially relevant to you, you get an invite, plus a few reminders. You can always reply that you can't make it to stop receiving the reminders.

What are You Waiting For? Get on the List Today

Join the priority invite list for tailored invites and actionable marketing advice.
Plus, you'll get our season announcement checklist that includes everything from box office to brochures — never miss a step again.

Get Actionable Marketing Advice on NEW Ideas

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